The Motherland project

"All mothers, daughters and sisters are like flowers. They carry the history, the birthplaces, the genes and the culture of their family".

March 2025: This is a prototype, a visualization of five generations of women, made with beads. Trijntje Vink (1751-1819) in the middle together with her four daughters, five grand-daughters and their female descendants. The white beads includes my grandmother Jo Warmerdam (1887-1953), she is the last one. (clockwise).

March 2023: GEN, the magazine for family history published "Vrouwenlijnen, de baarreeks en de Matria Cirkel". The theme of this quarterly magazine is IDENTITY. The Matria Circle portrays mothers, daughters and sisters and is emphasizing on the history of the birthplaces and the culture of women and their family. The focus is set in-and-around the house. To me this is the only answer to the most existential question: what is your origin or where do you come from? That's why I wrote the book DE MATRIA CIRKEL.

The Motherland project is a hunt for ansisters in the jungle of South Holland. Spotting a group that does not function as a group, I am an artist on safari, counting eight to ten generations, more than two hundred names. I consider these wimmin as my clan. This story starts with Trijntje Vink (1741) and her four daughters in a little village next to the sea: Noordwijk aan Zee. Yes, the tracing of kinship through the female line is a long journey, a challenging process of gathering data. Today it is sunday, the 25th of October 2020. See 2011

I find my inspiration in the world of Flowers, Botanica and Morphology. The Motherland Art Project presents a meaningful kind of phenomenon which can only be seen from the matriarchal point of view. It is an observation, not an explanation, it is another reductionist approach, providing a shortcut to the past. I visualize the outcome of my genealogical research and the chain of mothers-and-their-daughters over seven generations.

Copyright Carla van Beers. Photography 2017-2021, made in a period of transition, leaving behind my previous project "The Glovemakers", moving towards a new project "The Motherland".

my work... a poetic merging/remix of forms, materials and thoughts. i am trying to connect the present/new -and- the past/old.

    starting in 2010


    overview since 1989