JANUARI 2022 | Het allereerste boek over vrouwengenealogie DE MATRIA-CIRKEL, VROUWEN & GENEALOGIE ![]() bestel hier DE MATRIA CIRKEL (2021) AUGUSTUS 2020 | Deel 4 van de tetralogie "Een gehavende nalatenschap" DE INDISCHE SCHILDERIJEN VAN GEORGE BEER ![]() bestel hier HUIS VAN EEN HERINNERING (2013) bestel hier DINGEN DIE JE NIET WEET (2015) bestel hier EEN SCHUILHUIS IN DELFT (2017) bestel hier DE INDISCHE SCHILDERIJEN VAN GEORGE BEER (2020) SEPTEMBER 2019 | New book release: DIARY 1944, A RETURN TICKET TO THE PAST ![]() "A small red canvas diary had caught my eye and I asked if I could take it out and have a look. I quickly got the impression that the diarist must have lived somewhere in the English countryside, but there was no name to indicate who wrote it. After I had leafed through most of its pages, I decided that I was going to buy it. Not because the book had been full of interesting details (quite the opposite), but because it was full of mystery. How did an English diary, written in the Second World War, end up in The Netherlands in a shop selling second-hand things like tableware, furniture and books?" BUY IT HERE Diary 1944: a return ticket to the past. Cover Art & Translation by Nisha Alberti. READ REVIEW by Julie Goucher "An interesting read. The diary elements show even during a world war life goes on, especially the days covering D day. With the hindsight of knowing what was going on on the "big stage" seeing the everyday mundane activities. Enjoyed the research side as well." (review by a reader) |